The use of any image of any person on this website does not imply their participation with our organization, or their sexual orientation. They are simply pictures that have been made public on other websites. However, some of the men whose pictures are featured on this site are personal friends or business colleagues of us/our team, and they actually do visit our parties, or they are compensated to attend. Some perform at our events in various capacities. There are actually straight (heterosexual) allys that sometimes attend our events to socialize in a non-sexual way and to support their gay/bi-sexual friends/family members, as well as provide financial contributions to the non-profit/community causes we donate most of our funds to.
All guest information is never sold or shared, except by legal subpoena, lawsuit or lawsuit demand, or by law enforcement for the sole purpose of criminal or civil action. General information using your "Alias" name which you openly share with others at the event may at times be included in our private Newsletters to other members, unless you specifically state that you would not want that share. Further, if you are RED BANNED from our org, we reserve the right to share your true identity (including any pictures/ID) with other sister organizations or establishments in an effort to protect all good, rule-abiding guests at other events in the future: in the city, county, state, nationally or worldwide, or in any future universe known or unknown. You agree to hold us free and harmless from such action which is only a result of your irresponsible action(s) at our events. Any bad publicity or monetary ramifications you may bring to yourself, including a loss of privacy, is by your own doing. A RED BAN in perpetuity, with Prejudice, only comes about after multiple verbal warnings, a written warning, suspension, and/or a YELLOW temporary ban of disciplinary action.
Terms and Conditions are subject to be changed/updated at anytime, and you agree that it is solely your responsibility to read and understand them and agree to be bound by them by being a member, or attending any event, at any time in the past or future.
Mike Gailey's The LA/OC Jacks
www.theLAOCjacks.org by Dan Michael ("Mike") Gailey / Mike Gailey Enterprises
Los Angeles | Orange County